Greece › Overnight Ferries
Updated: June 13, 2020
By Santorini Dave

Ferry cabins are a great way to relax on the longer ferry routes between Athens and the Greek islands.
Sleeper cabins are found on Blue Star, Hellenic, Sea Speed, and a few other ferry companies. They are common on routes between Athens, Santorini, Mykonos, Syros, Crete, Rhodes, and Kos. Cabins with beds and private bathrooms are a comfortable way to experience what can be long 8 to 12-hour ferry routes. It does not have to be an overnight ferry to have a sleeping cabin. Cabins can be booked for 2, 3, or 4 guests in one party; or for single travelers in same-sex cabins. To book sleeping bunks or cabins use the FerryHopper search and look for a bed icon which means that ferry has sleepers for rent (at roughly double the price of a typical ticket).

To book a cabin or a single bunk within a cabin, search for your route on and then look for a ferry that has the bed icon. This means there are cabins available on that ferry.

All foot passengers board through the walkway entrance on the right.

Passengers with a reserved cabin will proceed to a separate check-in desk on the ferry where they’ll be given the key to their cabin and shown to their unit.

You then take the stairs or elevator to your floor.

Walk to the appropriate section and hallway.

Find your room number and enter your cabin.

Cabin for 2 guests.

Cabin for 3 guests.

Cabin for 4 guests.

Almost all cabins have a bathroom, toilet, and shower.

And they’re always a little different on each ferry.

Unused bunks are folded up and out of the way.

Some cabins face outwards and have windows. Some face inwards and don’t have a window.

Cabins are a little different on every ferry. On this one the window is quite a bit bigger.

Most cabins have a small desk and chair.

Most cabins have a small storage area. Life jackets (at top) are in every cabin.

All ferries have cafes with drinks, snacks, sandwiches, and treats.

Most ferries will also have a sit-down restaurant for entrees and full meals.

Most ferries have an ATM on board.

Large bags and luggage are best left below on the car deck.

Most ferries with sleeper cabins will also have an outdoor deck accessible to all passengers.
About Santorini Dave